Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Reflections on NHD April 28-May 3

1. Topic.
For NHD i worked with Jada. She was interested in my topic so we decided to pair up and do a exhibit. My topic was on unit 731.

2. Details
I learned that Unit 731 was when the Japanese conducted chemical warefare and live human testing. It happened over in China and Japan during World War II. The American connection to the topic was that the United States gave the scientists a break if in exchange for their information.
Working in a group actually was nice, it could've been better since my partner was MARQUIS! But he came through and did what he had to do. Even though we argued sometimes, it was never serious he was a good partner. Our project came out really good from my point of view.
The whole entire NHD process this year was very calm. I felt that this year it was slow and gay. I only say this because it seemed as though the entire thing was completely unorganized .I didn't like that fact that we had the competition held in our school.

3. Successes
Jada and I had a lot of success we found a lot of useful images. The greatest accomplishment that we achieved was that we found information, and documentation that actually proved the connected the united states' had with Japan. Must files were extremely confidential but leaked on the internet.

4. Challenges
The biggest challenge was attempting to find the documents that connected the united states some how. Even though my partner and I successfully did so. Another challenge that we had was finding an image that we could agree to put on the board. There were a lot of Gory, and disturbing images that we had to choose from. We had to tame what we put on our board but get our point across at the same time. I can successfully say that we did come to an agreement.

5. Changes and suggestions for next year.
A challenge that may come up next year is finding a partner and a topic.
Suggestion is don't work with your friends. I saw a lot of fights this year.

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